About Asianet News Digital Media

The Website and other Digital Media are owned and operated by Asianxt Digital Technologies Private Limited (Formerly known as Asianet News Media & Entertainment Private Limited), a private limited company registered under the provisions of the [Indian] Companies Act 2013 having its registered office at No. 36, Crescent Road, Bangalore 560 001, Karnataka, India.

Viewers tune into Asianet News Digital Media for its unbiased reportage and its strong advocacy for the rights of the underprivileged and the marginalised. Asianet News Digital Media presents bold, cutting-edge and unbiased journalism in innovative digital formats. In addition to following the old-fashioned journalistic values of truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, fairness and accountability, we have also embraced the ever-new trailblazing technology, striking a perfect balance. The multiple perspectives on a news story and the honest insight of the seasoned journalist has enabled viewers to form informed opinions and take informed decisions The innovative and varied nature of programming content and formats have kept a diverse, but loyal, audience forever engaged to Asianet News Digital Media.

Our Core Values

Asianet News Digital Media will always be:

  • Neutral and unbiased
  • Factual and cross-verifiable
  • Intelligent and fearless
  • Honest and trustworthy

Asianet News Digital Media, place the well-being, prosperity, security and unity of our Nation, above everything else.

We covered all stories that mattered, day in and day out - the sad stories and the happy ones, the in-depth investigations and the sting operations, the politics of entertainment and the entertaining politics, the sordidness of crime and the depravity of public figures, the fundamentalism of the Right and the fundamentalism of the Left and the self-righteous Middle Path, the flourishing businesses and the flourishing trade unions, the activist and the opportunist, the agony of the victim and arrogance of the perpetrator – we covered all these and more. And we will continue on the same path tirelessly, truthfully and without prejudice, upholding the torch of honest and decent journalism.
